• Artists
    Interview with Yuliya Zelinskaya

    How did you come to art, or how did art come to you? One day when I was a child, I was playing with different paints on some art paper. I moved my fingers all around and found that I loved how the colors blended. Ever since, I’ve been fascinated by colors on canvas. I chose to go to art…

  • Artists
    Interview with Antonia Jackson

    About the artist Originally from Alsace (France), Antonia Jackson has lived in London for the past 20 years. Passionate about art since childhood, she has recently graduated from Wimbledon College of Arts (BA Fine Art/Painting 2014) and previously completed a Foundation Diploma in Art and Design at Chelsea College of Art and Design in 2010, both part of University of…

  • Artists
    Interview with Annabel Andrews

    Please introduce yourself to us! I was born in 1940 in the Isle of Wight. A wonderful place and time to grow up in, surrounded by a loving family of post Victorian great aunts, uncles and grandparents. In a world with no TV or smart phones. We played freely in the country and by the sea, inventing games and adventures,…

  • Artists
    Interview with Stephen Whatcott

    Please introduce yourself to us! I’m an abstract painter working in Worcestershire, UK. I consider my work to be rooted in abstract expressionism but often with minimalist tendencies. Every piece I create aims to make an emotional connection or have a certain amount of power to it. Where do you get your inspiration from? I think your whole life feeds…

  • Artists
    Interview with Alejandro Debonis

    Please introduce yourself I have always been close to art and painting. My father was a painter – as a hobby – and my uncle a painting teacher who specialized in portraits. In terms of my studies, I started several university degrees but didn’t finish them. My last degree, however – in architecture, ended up defining what would become my…

  • Artists
    Interview with Gina Parr

    Please introduce yourself to us! I am Gina Parr, Brtish painter and photographer. In 2007 I returned to work full time as an Artist after a 25 year career as a Television Production Set Designer in London and in 2010 moved back to Devon. I originally graduated with a First Class BA Honours Degree in Fine Art in 1979, practiced…

  • ... Collectors
    How to insure an artwork?

    Nowadays the insurance of artworks is a central matter in the art buying process. Yet many collectors are still reluctant to insure their works of art: it is estimated that only 15 or 20% of artworks and artifacts are currently insured in France. There are many misconceptions about insurance, including the idea that premiums would be very high. However, it…

  • ... Artists • ... Collectors • Advice for...
    How to transport an artwork?

    An artwork is a particularly fragile object, be it a painting, a sculpture or a piece of antique furniture. It is therefore essential to take all the necessary precautions for its transportation, whether it is done in the context of a museum exchange, the purchase of an artwork or the relocation from a private collection. While museums have professionals to…

  • ... Collectors
    How to resell an artwork?

    Whether you are a collector wishing to resell part of your collection, or an individual that has just inherited artworks that you do not want to keep, the sale of artworks on the second market has really taken off. But how to do you benefit from a transaction with conditions for the “uninitiated” that are often confusing? Art is now…

  • Artists
    Interview with Fernando Velázquez

    @Lili Velazquez When working on a new project, what are the first steps you take? My approach to starting any new projects or series has changed with time. Initially, the most important thing for me was to “tune in” to a specific state of mind that allowed me to paint freely, responding intuitively to every decision during the creative process.…