… Artists

  • ... Artists • Advice for... • Featured
    How to Create the Best Online Portfolio

    The future of the art market is becoming increasingly digital and having an online portfolio as an artist is crucial. It has been almost three decades since the World Wide Web began to revolutionize consumer behavior and the power of the Internet is now stronger than ever. The Hiscox Online Art Trade Report 2019 found millennials were more likely to…

  • ... Artists • Advice for... • Featured
    Digital Tools: Using Instagram to Boost your Visibility

    Today, it is more important than ever for artists to have an online presence in an increasingly digital world. Instagram is a platform that is tailored to artists because it is built all around visuals. Though a social media following doesn’t account for everything, it can be a useful tool when presenting your work for new exhibitions, applying to residencies,…

  • ... Artists • Featured
    How to Find the Best Title for Your Artwork

    The paint is still drying on your latest artwork and the time has come to give it a title. How do you pick a title that will make a lasting impression? The title of an artwork may seem like an afterthought, but in reality, it should carry equal importance as the artwork itself. After all, it is the main identifying…

  • ... Artists • ... Collectors • Advice for...
    How to transport an artwork?

    An artwork is a particularly fragile object, be it a painting, a sculpture or a piece of antique furniture. It is therefore essential to take all the necessary precautions for its transportation, whether it is done in the context of a museum exchange, the purchase of an artwork or the relocation from a private collection. While museums have professionals to…