
  • Cities • Featured • Spotlight on...
    Address Book: Rome

    Once called Caput Mundi, a crossroads for people and empires, today it is simply Rome – a city full of contradictions, yet magnificent all the same. This is a metropolis where the splendors of the past and the precarity of the present manage to coexist; where the future comes forward timidly; and where the imbued cultural significance is often in…

  • Art History • Artworks under the lens • Featured
    The Chaotic Life of Caravaggio, Chiaroscuro, and The Cardsharps

    Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio led a turbulent life, consisting of murder charges, ambushes by knights, and a death that is shrouded in mystery to this day. He poured his passion into his artwork, producing realistic high renaissance pieces that had an incredible amount of detail. His use of light and dark contrast, or chiaroscuro, was incredibly influential to fellow artists…