
  • Art Film
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    The 10 Essential Art Films to Watch During Confinement

    This period of confinement gives you an ideal excuse to review your favorites and perfect your cultural references for when you are back out socializing! To help, we have selected our top 10 art-related films and documentaries. In line with our vocation of empowering artists, plenty of renowned artists are of course featured in our selected films, with exciting monographs.…

  • Art History • Artworks under the lens • Featured
    The Controversy Behind Les Demoiselles d’Avignon by Pablo Picasso

    Les Demoiselles d’Avignon is a prime example of Pablo Picasso’s mastery of cubism. The artwork caused an uproar when it was exhibited, as it depicted nude females in a nontraditional manner. These females are angular, unfeminine, and unflinching in their nudity. With this piece, Picasso aimed to establish himself as one of the great painters of his time, and the…

  • Art History • Artworks under the lens • Featured
    Guernica: The History Behind Pablo Picasso’s Seminal Work

    Guernica is not only a masterpiece of Pablo Picasso’s cubism, but it is also an important political statement, perhaps the most iconic anti-war image of the twentieth century. After he was commissioned to paint a mural for the Paris World Fair, Picasso eschewed the prompt of ‘technology’ and instead chose to shine a spotlight on the aftermath of the Guernica…

  • Art History • Artworks under the lens • Featured
    Pablo Picasso’s Blue Period and The Old Guitarist

    The Old Guitarist is one of the most haunting pieces created during Pablo Picasso’s blue period. Depicting a haggard, blind guitar player, the piece encompasses Picasso’s fascination with the societal outcasts he saw when traveling through Spain. Picasso’s blue period was heralded as a turning point in his career, demonstrating his capability of capturing raw emotion and preserving it on…

  • Art History • Art news • Featured
    Stolen Art: The Strange History of Art Heists

    Although the term ‘art history’ hardly evokes the image of masked bandits breaking into a museum, art theft has always played an important role in the art world. Art is stolen for many reasons. Sometimes for wealth, sometimes for power, sometimes for love and nostalgia. Whatever the reason, when a piece of art is stolen, the act of theft often…

  • Art History • Movements and techniques
    The Dark Art

    With Halloween festivities in full throttle and the weather getting colder, the days shorter and the nights darker, life has been feeling rather spooky. This week, we’re looking back at some of the dark arts: gloomy, supernatural and spine-tinglingly scary masterpieces. From devils and deathsongs to screams and skeletons, it’s time to get your dark art history up to speed……

  • Art History • Artworks under the lens • Movements and techniques
    The Cubism Movement and the Paintings That Defined the Genre

    The Cubism movement emerged during the early-20th-century avant-garde art movement that revolutionized European painting and sculpture. The movement is thought to have begun in Paris (specifically in the neighborhoods of Montmartre, Montparnasse, and Puteaux which were populated by artists) during the 1910s and 1920s. Cubism was chiefly pioneered by artists Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. Other important artists of the…

  • Art History • Movements and techniques
    The most beautiful contemporary oil paintings

    Invented in Flanders in the 15th century, oil painting enabled the greatest artists to express their artistic self and leaves traces of history-writing talents until today. Contemporary Art was born following the Second World War, in the second half of the 20th century. Andy Warhol (1928-1987) Andy Warhol (1928-1987) is the undisputed master of Pop Art and New Realism. Few…