Artworks under the lens

Zebra with Two Chairs and Funky Fur by Mickalene Thomas

Hey there! Let’s talk about the awesome artist Mickalene Thomas and her super cool artwork called Zebra with Two Chairs and Funky Fur. This masterpiece is all about colors, patterns, and good vibes. In this big chat, we’re going to get to know Mickalene, check out her journey so far, dig into the details of Two Chairs and Funky Fur, and even throw in a table to make things a bit fancy.

Who is Mickalene Thomas?

Alright, so picture this: Mickalene Thomas, born in 1971, is a modern artist who loves making things that grab your attention. She’s all about breaking the rules in art and making us think about beauty, identity, and all the cool stuff in between.

Her Journey

Mickalene went to Pratt Institute in 2000 and later earned a Master’s from Yale University in 2002. She’s like the superhero of art, winning awards left and right for her cool way of making portraits. What makes her extra cool? She uses things like rhinestones and enamel to make her art pop!

What Is Happening in Zebra with Two Chairs and Funky Fur

Zebra with Two Chairs and Funky Fur
Artist Mickalene Thomas
Date Created2013
MediumMixed Media
GenreContemporary Art
Period21st Century
Dimensions72 inches x 96 inches
Series/VersionsUnique piece, no series
Where is it housed?Private Collection

Let’s zoom in on Two Chairs and Funky Fur. Mickalene made this magic happen in 2013, and it’s like a burst of happiness on canvas. Imagine a zebra-print rug, two fancy chairs, and a figure – maybe it’s Mickalene herself – wearing some funky fur. The colors, patterns, and mix of materials make this artwork a total blast for your eyes.


Two Chairs and Funky Fur isn’t just a pretty picture. It’s like Mickalene saying, “Hey, let’s remember the past but keep it groovy.” The artwork mixes fancy vibes, who we are, and where we come from. It’s like a colorful time machine!

Interesting Facts

Material Magic: Mickalene Thomas loves playing with stuff. In this artwork, she throws in rhinestones, enamel, and acrylics to make the piece feel interesting. It’s like adding sprinkles to your ice cream!

Cool Collab with Solange Knowles: Imagine Mickalene teaming up with singer Solange Knowles for some cool art on Solange’s 2018 album, When I Get Home. It’s like two awesome worlds colliding.

Lights, Camera, Action: Movies and pictures sneak into Mickalene’s art. Two Chairs and Funky Fur feels like a movie scene – it’s not just a picture; it’s a story waiting to be told.

Let’s Dive Deeper

Mickalene Thomas has this amazing ability to make art feel like a big, warm hug. She mixes the old with the new, the fancy with the funky, and it all comes together in a way that makes you stop and stare.

Her Journey

Mickalene didn’t just wake up one day and decide to be an artist. She worked hard, learned a ton, and earned her stripes at Pratt Institute and Yale University. It’s like going to superhero school for artists. And you know what’s even cooler? She’s not just about painting; she’s about breaking the rules and making art that’s as unique as she is.

What Makes Two Chairs and Funky Fur Interesting? 

Alright, let’s break down the coolness of this artwork:

Color Explosion: Mickalene doesn’t do boring things. The colors in this artwork are like a rainbow explosion. It’s like she took all the crayons in the box and went to town on the canvas.

Pattern Party: Ever been to a party where everyone’s wearing crazy patterns, and it somehow works? That’s what’s happening with the zebra-print rug and the funky fur. Mickalene turns patterns into a dance.

Material Mix-up: Mickalene isn’t your regular artist. She’s like a mad scientist with materials. Rhinestones, enamel, acrylics – it’s like she raided an art store and decided to use everything!

Chill Vibes: Look at the chairs. They’re not just chairs; they’re thrones of coolness. It’s like Mickalene saying, “Take a seat, relax, and let’s talk about life.”


So, there you have it – a big chat about Mickalene Thomas and her magical artwork, Zebra with Two Chairs and Funky Fur. We’ve explored Mickalene’s journey, broken down the artwork, and even thrown in a fancy table for good measure. The next time you look at this artwork, it’s not just colors and patterns; it’s a piece of Mickalene’s world, inviting you to join the celebration of art, identity, and good vibes.