• Artists • Our story • The Singulart Family
    Meet the SINGULART Family: Kohei Kunisaki

    As an online art gallery, SINGULART’s strength lies in its services, which means that sometimes our team is hidden in the background. We want to change this with our series: Meet the SINGULART Team. SINGULART is a French startup that counts diversity and internationalism among its core beliefs. Therefore, we have created this space to allow our team members can…

  • Artists • Featured • Our story
    How Will We Organize the Workplace of Tomorrow ?

    At a time when the business world is questioning the importance of an office and the organization of work, SINGULART has just moved into new offices in the heart of Paris and wanted to share its experience and that of other companies. There is no doubt that Covid has turned work as we know it upside down; between increased productivity…

  • Jaime Mendieta Plata
    Featured • Our story • The Singulart Family
    Meet the SINGULART Family: Jaime Mendieta Plata

    As an online art gallery, SINGULART’s strength lies in its services, which sometimes means that our team is hidden in the background. We want to change this with our series: Meet the SINGULART Team. SINGULART is a French startup that counts internationalism among its core beliefs. Therefore, we have created this space so that our team members can share their…

  • Isabelle Derecque
    Art news • Artists • Exhibitions and fairs • Featured • Spotlight on...
    In conversation with Isabelle Derecque

    Isabelle Derecque is a belgium artist and one of the artists participating in the Affordable Art Fair in Brussels. Her paintings have been presented in numerous solo and group exhibitions. Her choice to primarily work with Plexiglas is more than just an aesthetic decision. For Isabelle, it is an invitation to explore the space around us by projecting us into…

  • Michel Debully
    Art news • Artists • Exhibitions and fairs • Featured • Spotlight on...
    In conversation with Michel Debully

    Michel Debully is a French painter and one of the artists participating in the Affordable Art Fair in Brussels. His approach is in line with geometric abstract art, concrete art and constructed art. He discovered a new natural law on the decomposition of light into four colours instead of six. And conceives his compositions by playing on this new partition…