art market

  • ... Collectors • Advice for... • Industry Professionals • Spotlight on...
    How to Start an Art Collection with Art Market Expert Magnus Resch

    The work of art market expert and visionary Magnus Resch is no new topic in our SINGULART Magazine. Having previously talked to Magus about his best-selling book, ‘How to Become a Successful Artist’ , his collection of data driven insights aimed at artists wanting to make it on the market, Magnus’ latest endeavor, MagnusClass immediately grabbed our attention. Offering up…

  • ... Artists • Advice for... • Featured • Industry Professionals • Spotlight on... • The Art Market
    In Conversation with Magnus Resch

    Magnus Resch has never hesitated to disrupt the art world. During his time as an art economist, Yale professor, and gallery owner, Magnus’ many commentaries on the inner workings of the art market, though controversial, have been both meticulous and unerring in their sense of where and how the art world needs to modernize. In his latest bestselling book, ‘How…

  • Pictures at an Exhibition, 2018 John Mcsweeney
    Art news • Industry Professionals • Spotlight on...
    Spotlight: French Art Curators

    Art curators deal with the organizational aspects of an art exhibition. They are responsible for defining the content of the event, choosing the works to be exhibited and the location. But that’s not all. Those who choose to undertake this profession must know that the commitments do not end in the logistical sphere. In fact, it is important not only…

  • Art news • Featured
    5 must-see exhibitions to come in 2020

    Keen to keep your finger on the art market pulse this year? Here are 5 top shows to mark in your calendars: 1. Artemisia Artemisia Gentileschi achieved something that was sadly rare for women of her time: a successful, long career as a professional painter. The Italian baroque painter depicted women of myth, power, struggle and religion, and today she’s…

  • Credit: witanddelight
    ... Collectors • Featured
    A Step-by-Step Guide to Buying Abstract Art

    The world of abstract art is expansive, and finding a work you love can be challenging when there is a sea of aesthetic possibilities and logistical questions. You don’t need to be an expert if you are considering buying abstract art. You just need to have an open mind and especially, an open heart. When most people invest in abstract…

  • Art History • Artworks under the lens • Featured • The Art Market
    5 Most Expensive Paintings of All Time: Da Vinci to de Kooning

    Are you also fascinated by the world of luxury art? Have you ever wondered how certain paintings are designated fine art and given million dollar price tags? In this article, Singulart breaks down the five most expensive paintings of all time. While you might think a work like the Mona Lisa would certainly top the list, pieces like Leonardo’s famous…