• Cities • Featured • Spotlight on...
    Address Book: New Zealand

    A country of green hills and tranquility, New Zealand is a seemingly calm country that hides the chaos that Mother Nature sometimes bestows upon this great nation. Like a phoenix, it is reborn from these ashes and rises stronger and more determined than before. Moreover, it is a country of celebrated women, even in art, a traditionally male dominated profession.…

  • Art History • Famous faces • Featured
    Adele Younghusband: The New Zealand Artist That Typified Kiwi Resilience

    We continue to explore women’s art, this time in New Zealand: a place with emerald green valleys, where the past coexists with the present in harmony, and where women, in their essence, demand equality without nonsensical resistance. In this article, we celebrate the life of Adele Younghusband, a Kiwi artist whose works shot to prominence in her homeland in the…

  • Cities • Featured • Spotlight on...
    Address Book: Rome

    Once called Caput Mundi, a crossroads for people and empires, today it is simply Rome – a city full of contradictions, yet magnificent all the same. This is a metropolis where the splendors of the past and the precarity of the present manage to coexist; where the future comes forward timidly; and where the imbued cultural significance is often in…

  • Pictures at an Exhibition, 2018 John Mcsweeney
    Art news • Industry Professionals • Spotlight on...
    Spotlight: French Art Curators

    Art curators deal with the organizational aspects of an art exhibition. They are responsible for defining the content of the event, choosing the works to be exhibited and the location. But that’s not all. Those who choose to undertake this profession must know that the commitments do not end in the logistical sphere. In fact, it is important not only…

  • Art History • Featured • Movements and techniques
    From Self-Portraits to Selfies: The Evolution of Capturing One’s Profile

    We have evolved from the need to draw and paint in order to capture a moment in time. The ease at which we can take photos compared to when cameras were first introduced has seen us instinctively delve into our pockets to grab our phones when a worthwhile snapshot is presented to us. Whether it is a snowy landscape, a…

  • Featured • Industry Professionals • Spotlight on...
    The Life of an Art Curator: Theodore Bajard

    Who are the art curators? Is that a profession or a hobby? When do they work? How do they work and who do they work with? Although key figures within the art world, there are endless questions about art curators for most of those who are not familiar with the ins and outs of it. At Singulart, as you know,…

  • Art news • Artists • Featured
    Art and Children: 5 Minutes with Angela Darling Faidley

    Angela Darling Faidley is a radiant woman – her crystal clear eyes are bright, with her smile releasing a beneficial energy. We didn’t get the chance to meet her in person due to confinement but this feeling was palpable. Having exchanged messages with Angela, it was easy to sense that this Pennsylvanian woman was a force of nature. During quarantine,…

  • Foto: Frederik Vercruysse
    ... Artists • Spotlight on... • The Art Market • Art news • Advice for... • Cities • Featured
    5 Italian Residencies for Artists

    Slowly but surely, artists and art is being given more and more space, not only theoretical but also physical. Historical Italian villas are used as creative spaces, transforming themselves into artistic residences where artists find the freedom to feel as such, far from outside interference. Thus Singulart introduces 5 Italian Residencies to discover. In these residences scattered all over Italy,…

  • Art news • Exhibitions and fairs • Featured • Highlights
    Virtual Museums and Art Galleries to Explore During the Coronavirus

    What we are experiencing right now is a profound moment in history. We are all in a state of physical stagnation while trying to cope with a mind that continues to produce, elaborate and wonder so as not to succumb to the boredom that this imposed immobility sometimes creates. There are positives, however. We have rediscovered communities, fragments of a…